Monday, December 3, 2012

Peeling the onion.

One layer at a time, we're uncovering what lies beneath.  The first wall is down.  Along with it some ceiling, then some more ceiling plaster that just was waiting to fall.  (Note to self - reciprocating saw vibration not good for plaster house.)

Now we heard there had been rats at some point, but had no idea our first evidence of any former trouble would be a small pile of baby rat bones in the ceiling of the breakfast nook.  Gross but not as gross as I thought it would be. Sad mostly.  Wonder where mom went.  Did she leave them behind to fend for themselves?  Or get lost in the maze of wall? At any rate she's gone and they would be fun to spend more time with a microscope.  For someone else. Mostly the find just became an awkward chore to figure out how to collect from overhead.

We are learning.  A lot of stuff happens to a house in 100 years. Most of which is not obvious.  They built houses in that day thinking they'd never come apart I'm convinced.  And we've yet to figure out how we are going to take some parts apart.  But we do want to ensure this house is still standing in 100 years so now's the time to help it get there.

Meanwhile upstairs it's beginning to feel a little more like home each time we arrive.  And with a move coming sooner than Santa that's a good feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Can't imagine why you did leave the old wallpaper! Nice work on doing some of the remodel yourselves. It would have saved me a lot if I had the patience and knowledge when updating various things in my house.
