Thursday, November 15, 2012

Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you.

Keys at closingThe keys are ours.  (Though who knows who else might have copies.) Doesn't appear the locks have been changed in about 30 years and keys for some doors are just missing. Time to reset.  Biggest challenge was finding 8 of the same brand/type/color. Combining full inventories of both the Lowe's and Home Depot, we found enough.

Sold (Note: we didn't buy Georgia Power)We survived our first night in the house with a wool blanket (no heat).  I like to claim we were roughing it - camping style in the house. But given the one bed left in the house by previous owner was a Tempurpedic bed, I don't think anyone would imagine our adventure like an episode of Survivor.

Our other big purchase this week was walkie talkies. Already a big save trying to figure out which leaky bathrooms are tied to which mysterious valves in the basement.  And with a range of 23 miles - we may get rid of our cellphones.

Most of the our first weekend was like getting to know a new friend.  Trying to figure out what makes her tick.  What pushes her buttons.  Her faults, her strengths, her potential. 

Toby inspecting the sanded floorsEveryone we encounter seems to know some piece of her story - the mailman, the plumber, the neighbor, the random guy in the store, the stoned hippie walking down the sidewalk.  Already makes me wonder what stories will be told in 100 years more.

I suspect they'll include Toby.  He's as much a fan of the new adventure (if not more) than we are.  He's already leaving his mark - literally everywhere. 
Probably hearing and sniffing out his own stories, too.


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